Saturday, March 17, 2007

My Cat has Fleas

Today is a big day in the lives of our two young male cats. It is the day on which we ensure they never become men :-) We have been preparing them for this day since the middle of the week, when we set out the cat carriers (well, one is a cat carrier and the other is a plastic basket with the lid fastened on with twisties) in the downstairs loo. Trust their curious little natures, they wandered into the carriers to investigate them thoroughly. Then last night, we locked them into the loo and stopped their food and drink. It is a cruel business - they do not understand why their formerly indulgent and loving owners are not feeding them. But it is the pre-op drill.

This morning, we let them wander unrestrained around the kitchen and for the first time, around the living room. The living room is Casey's territory. We have been finding it difficult to get her accustomed to the little cats and she has been showing signs of definitely psychotic behaviour - more of that later. So they wandered around the place, looking (I think) for food. Then, when the time came, I put them into their cat carriers. Unfortunately Winky showed signs of anxiety so I opened the top hatch of the carrier to reassure him. That was a mistake, as after that Winky found out how to push the hatch open. He was still small enough to squeeze through and I had to catch him and put him in all over again (this time taping the the hatch shut). Then, Minks (or Dinkie as my mother calls him) started making the mournful mew. Sigh.

My parents took the kits off to the vet and I started cleaning up the mess they made of the downstairs loo. We had put their normal litter tray inside but unfortunately when someone did his thing, he missed the tray. I don't think I need to say more. I'd finished cleaning and mopping both the loo and kitchen floor when my parents returned with the dreadful news: both little cats had fleas, and lice too!!! After we have been bathing them (irregularly) and de-worming them and all. I have not seen fleas on them but perhaps they were really small. My mother gave the run-down on their general health: Minks is overweight, and one ear is dirty; Winks is generally in good health. Aside from the lice and fleas, of course.

Anyway, the rest of the morning was spent sunning their baskets and the bathroom rugs, and in washing their sleeping mats in boiling water. We also sunned and aired Casey's bed whilst we were about it. Well, at least she is unlikely to have been close enough to the kittens to have caught fleas from them.

Pick-up time: 4.30pm.

P.S. Here is a picture of the boys after their return from the vet --->


  1. P.S. We picked the two kits up and brought them home this evening. They were quite subdued little animals and once we loosed them in the backyard, they scuttled under one of the plant stands... right where we couldn't get them and in the middle of dirt and soil! I think their wounds also broke, causing some bleeding to start. In the end we shut them up again in the downstairs loo where, excluding the short spells whilst we were checking on them, they have been ever since. They seem none the worse for their little adventure, thank goodness.

  2. you could try spraying them with anti flea stuff. At least they don't have ticks. I've tended to use frontline on my dogs and there's a cat version. Once a month spot on. But if that's too expensive, then you could try using a spray called accurate which is gentler and cheaper. I also used to use flea collars but their effectiveness has been measured as far lower.

  3. We got Frontline from the clinic (Mt Pleasant). You are right, it is pretty pricey! Well, will try this out first before switching. Incidentally one kitten has a little reaction to the anaesthetic. :-(


Starting the Day Right...

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