Saturday, November 10, 2007

The wounded warrior

For some time, Winky had been going round with a stinky paw. At first, we noticed only that he was carrying around a rather unpleasant odour. Then I noticed that there was something smelly on his claw. It was hard to spot, because it was noticeable only when his claw was extended. I concluded some faeces which had got in there (on his nightly rambles) and managed to remove some of it. But the odour didn't go away and the claw continued to smell and look bad.

After some time it became obvious that the smell wouldn't go away on its own. Winky's claw stopped retracting and it was dark in colour. We took him to the vet who advised that it was infected (as we thought) and she would have to clip off his claw. Poor Winky! That was only the beginning of his woes. For he had to wear a bandage, marked "Keep Dry", which made his paw heavy and clumsy. He also had an Elizabethan collar on when he got back. Cost me $6.89 and he hated it. He was tense, restless, trying to get the collar off the second we let him out of his carrier. Eventually we stopped trying to put it on him again.

Worst of all, was the medication he had to take. Anti-inflammatory tablet, once a day. Antibiotics, twice a day. And the antibiotic tablet had to be the huge 62mg tablet. We have been trying every which way to get it in him. Easiest is to pound it up, add milk and honey, and syringe it into him. Painful - and I have the scratches to prove it. Light scratches, fortunately - the vet clipped all his claws in the process of removing the infected one.

Yesterday (5 days after his little surgery) we took him to the vet to remove his bandage and clean up the wound. It was looking quite good! But the vet's assistant replaced the bandage. This evening, we saw a suspicious white sausage on the floor. The clever chap had managed to remove it. I tried, quite successfully if I may say so myself, to replace it. And it even lasted the night! But this morning I spotted it on the floor again. You've got to know when to give up and this is it.

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