Saturday, September 23, 2006

A Week at KSG

This has been a pretty busy week. Not sure if it is typical of all weeks at KSG, but let me try to give a sense of the intensity of work now.

First of all, we have to take 4 courses each (say A-D) and each course has 2 classes per week. In my case, one of my courses has a single class but I sat in on another class as well so that made a total of 8 classes. Classes for each course meets Mon/Wed or Tues/Thurs; I have 2 classes per day. Each class has something like 50-70 pages to read and some classes have more. So most of my time is spent reading and reading, and most of this is deep stuff which takes time. Let me give an illustration:

Monday: Course A, 1 class (+1 class sitting in): 1 case study, total of 2 + 3 readings for a total of some 100 pages worth of readings. Submit: 150 word response to the reading for the first class, half-page summary and response to readings for second class on Tuesday.

Tuesday, Courses B and C, so 2 classes : 1 + 3 readings, some 100 pages again

Wednesday, Course A and D, so 2 classes (this includes the class which meets only once a week): 4+6 readings, totalling what must be an astounding 250 pages or so. Got cold called for second class on Wednesday. Submitted para on self to lecturer for the first Wednesday class.

Thursday, Courses B and C so 2 classes: 2+ 4 readings, total of some 150 pages of which some 40 is John Rawls' Theory of Justice which is heavy going and of which I can read only 10 pages at a time.... Must submit response and summary of readings for second class.

Friday: deadline for submission of 2-page memorandum for Tues class.

Then it all starts again. How to find time for blogging!


  1. Anonymous5:32 pm

    Wow, you are busy. I hope you will still continue to blog, because I find your entries really interesting. It is almost like being there - not just what you did and saw but your insights as well. Casey.

  2. sounds oh so terribly american :). how they love being busy.


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